Intuitive paint

A creativity based on intuition

When we talk about intuitive painting, we naturally think of a child-painter who puts it everywhere without having the slightest idea of what he does. We quickly take shortcuts: everyone can do it, it’s worthless, it’s messy, it’s not art, …

The reality is different. Here, intuition is seriousness!




Process : the wild-style acrylic !

I did not do any studies in art: all the better! My creative approach could remain authentic (see naive).

Although I started with oil as a medium, I now work with acrylic, which allows me to accumulate successive layers of paint with great speed (I sometimes add a little diversity: pastels , collages, transfers, inks, watercolors, …) This is the ideal technique to work with his intuition.




Inspirations : “my paintings are engaged to more respect to wilderness.”

My natural environment has always subjugated me.

As a child, I was a real little adventurer. I ate wild berries and loved to dive my feet into mountain streams. I spent my time outside, in huge gardens or nearby forests.

I grew up with environmental respect (thank you parents!) It is therefore natural that my art reflects my attraction to plants and animals. My painting denounces what our world inflicts on them en masse, emphasizing their beauty.

I am also fascinated by the spirits of nature, devas and goddesses. These powerful archetypes know how to manifest themselves to help humans come true. I honor this invisible by the use of shimmering colors that can increase the vibrations of any place!



Intuition is like a muscle,

with training,

we can develop it.



Intuitive creativity and feminity

The woman is a deeply creative being.

According to creative researchers as Brené Brown, Julia Cameron, and Tami Lynn Kent, a therapist in femininity, the creative phases (recognizing our blockages, living our emotions of resistance and going beyond them) are not limited to the sphere of art. They are metaphors for the Self.

An authentic creative life allows us to reconnect with our inner wisdom.

By learning to let ourselves be guided by unconscious, unknown and invisible forces (belonging to the world of inspiration, ideas) we learn to accept all our dimensions (bodily, emotional, mental and spiritual).

With the intuitive process, we open the doors to our deep nature and we bring it back into reality in the form of a painting.

In the face of an “ordinary” canvas succeeds that of the initiator, that which provokes beautiful discoveries. Thus, the wild woman began to emerge in 2015 in my paintings. Art becomes an apprenticeship to recognize and control the parts of ourselves. And we reconnect little by little, to our sacred femininity, triumphant!


Daphné – acylic on canva – 80 X 100 cm – Fanny Wild – 2015



Knowing our creative barriers

  • What is going on through you and your web?
  • What are your fears?
  • Are you relentlessly comparing yourself to others (and strangers on the internet?)
  • Is your little inner voice a demonic judge criticizing the slightest of your actions, lowering you at every step?
  • Does your perfectionism prevent you from finishing your painting (or even starting it?)


Starting a painting without having a clue about where you want to go, without any direction, is anything but familiar or comfortable: exploring, testing or taking creative risks is difficult.

This method exacerbates all our blockages!





Breaking our resistance takes us into a real emotional tumult.

To continue and to go to the end of an intuitive painting can be really painful because we need to accept completely what we will find in the journey. We soon realize that it will be impossible for us to silence our inner judge. He will be an accomplice in our trip and will teach us to let go of the need to control everything.

To overcome our entrenchments, we focus on our senses, our ability to explore. The play of textures, colors that shine as they come out of the tubes, their smells, … transport us like a kind of intense meditation.

We explore a whole range of emotions: gaiety, agitation, sadness, disgust, blockage, dynamism, calm …

And it’s not necessarily beautiful in the end.

But whatever ! We have already given up the preconceived ideas of what makes a “good” painting, intentionally relaxing the final expectations.

You will understand, I do not invite you here to make art, to copy someone’s style, to adopt a technique that is the same for everyone, but to turn completely to the search of yourself, this place where we finally feel love for ourselves.

There, we forget the time that passes and all the world beyond this canvas. And finally, this flow closes on a new self, exhausted and fresh at a time.

The miracle happened: a painting was born.

And at the same time, a new femininity has unfolded.





SheArtsWild was born in a colorful explosion. A chemical and sensual reaction to which 3 ingredients have been enough to give it life: femininity, wilderness and precious pigments. Since then, she seeks (because SheArtsWild necessarily is a “she”!) to radiate authenticity, whether in the creative process itself (intuitive, free and saving) or in original works colorful, fresh and generous.
