Doubts and his power – 30 days challenge D#18

Listen compassionately every person we meet on our way, on a screen on a blog … doubt it.

I know this is quite contrary to what I write about the process of intuitive painting: believe and let go … so what’s the point of this article?

L’esprit absorbant de l’enfant par Maria Montessori

I connected my creativity a lot to my children, because they go together. It is their birth that allowed me to open my eyes: slowly, I integrated into my life the wisdom of Maria Montessori and especially the fact that a child absorbs EVERYTHING in its environment.

You too, child, you have ANY absorbed. You have your culture absorbed the ideas of your parents, their beliefs, the beliefs of the community that broadens the way. You have absorbed, ie, that you believed in what you were told, in that you showed.

And maybe now you’re wondering, from which the little voice of the judge who criticizes you constantly in your head? That little voice was forged, since your birth, your environment. The result is that now, you doubt yourself. This is not an advantage to live a healthy, happy and bubbly!

The solution is to doubt everything you encounter on your way. Always. In every moment.

Looking at it more closely, doubt is a real power because it reconnects us with our intuition, our mind. We are sailing on autopilot so it is good to ask questions.

There’s anything on my plate? Why we put our children in school?

That’s my big personal issues right now … but we can use the tools of the doubt in all the small things in life. Especially when people claim to have THE truth, remember that everything is subjective and not to get into a discussion of the deaf.

Doubt is the first step.

And because it is important not to remain continually in the same questions but to go into action, to move to that doubt is an engine, everything comes together:

I intensely improve the way I was living doubting, thinking, choosing and entering into action. Gradually, I noticed that I chose increasingly what had me. My intuition, ideas I received. This is why the intuitive painting process has become a belief, because I chose to believe in me, believe in my subconscious, in my divine, without listening to the judgment of others or that of my inner voice ( which is only a reflection of my old eventually outside).

That’s a pretty phrase that I invite you to adopt today!