Technical informations
Thank you with all my heart, for joining this online teaching!
Are you curious to know what awaits you? Good !
But before I dive into the study of the soul wounds, I wanted to give you some “technical” informations to facilitate your online adventure.
What form ?
In order to explore each wound in depth and to be free to heal only the ones we want, a workshop will be devoted to each soul wound.
The home page (summary page) will allow you to find all the links devoted to our study, for the wound in question.
Each time, we will explore our themes in the same way. The first page will talk about the characteristics of the wound and the allies. We will deepen each theme using exercises or questions. At each workshop, we will create a collage as well as a painting according to the intuitive process. I would some pull of tarot or oracles to allow us to understand the essence of what we must withdraw from this wisdom in connection with our time.
And much more!
The pages will upload sometimes with new discoveries and personal additions. The links will then remain active for life.
What rythm ?
The “class” is cut into PARTS. This can help you find your rate of study, but do not hesitate to do as you wish: you can explore several parts per day or take your time.
As you can see while looking at each page, I imagined an order of progression. From understanding of each wound to their resolution. I invite you to move your way in the different parts in the presented order.
For the time you can/want to devote to these exercises, it’s as you decide. It is you who establish your own study rate (you can do everything in 1 day or 1 week, or even in 1 year!)
Where to find the summary ?
You’ll find the link for the summary at every bottom pages, in every chapter!
The next and previous pages are available from right and left, always at the bottom of the page. Easy! See :
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How to access to the Signal group ?
In order to exchange between us, I created a group on Signal (an application on the phone) called the 7 jewels.Thanks to your participation, you have a place reserved in this private space!
Why choose Signal? This application has the same goal as WhatsApp (better known) but Signal, guarantees the non-revenue of your data.
The community will allow you to exchange, bring your testimonies and show your creations. It is also a quick way to ask your questions if you have trouble understanding a step or if you have technical problems (computer or paint!) Do not hesitate to tag if I wait (a little) too much before answering… but I have no doubt that the other members of the community will already bring you answers 🙂
This is also that, the wild ones: mutual aid and construction of a real community based on your common interests.
But to achieve this, I will thank you in advance for intervening in a benevolent way, especially in your comments! Remember that you give your opinion, and that it only belongs to you (I invite you to start your sentences with “I think” or “here is my opinion” to stay in this particular state of mind .)
To join us, it’s very simple. You need:
- From the Signal application: Go to the Play Store (for a Google phone) or the App Store (Apple) according to your phone.
- Download the free application called signal.
- Send me your phone number by text messages at +33
- It’s over for you. For my part, I validate your registration as quickly as possible …
- You are notified.
- Hourrah! You can post your first message! !
Important note: registration for this group is not compulsory, but highly advised to live the experience of the circle. You can contact me on in case of troubles.
The sorority page
You don’t like to use social networks? I got it ! A page will also be created, in addition, at the end of our workshop, so that you can testify to what you have experienced and learned during this session.
From the workshops on the 13 original mothers, I found that a writing effort was very useful to allow you to digest the lessons, to organize them, in short to integrate them!
You can limit yourself to a sentence or you can overflow on several paragraphs! The important thing is to give your voice, your personal vision to you of these lessons, the synchronicities that you have been able to meet, etc … In short, your sacred point of view that we can all honor.
This page is named Sorority !
You can send me your testimony to! You can choose to sign your message or not. In any case, I count on you to multiply the sacred points of view on the wounds of the soul;)
A diet ?
I thought this “class” as a mix between eco-spirituity and creativity. We will intuitively paint as well as make meditations.
In this search for connection to our intuition and our unconscious, we must learn to restore our energy balance. Our current diet contains many exciting. How then to carry out an experience of massive relaxation and unconscious navigation without wanting to get up, to clean up, …? Any spiritual practice requires bodily development.
This is why I actually ask you to avoid, at least 72 hours before active meditations / shamanic journey :
- The sugars (apart from natural sugars like honey, and be careful, in small quantities only!)
- coffee, black tea, …
- Cigarette, (and all drugs – that goes without saying!) …
- Meat, fish, seafood, …
You can see this as a challenge if you want…
You’ve never done any shamanic journey… is it hard ?
Our psyche is made up of our conscious self, but also on the one hand vast and practically unfathomable: the unconscious. It is it who speaks to us during our dreams with its own language: that of symbols and archetypes. Its intelligence is quite remarkable, even if it goes beyond reason and logic.
We can cause contacts with our unconscious and its messages through meditations. It is a question of traveling in consciousness in this slightly chaotic but always significant content by the technique of “waking dream”.
If you have never made a meditation or a shamanic trip (other techniques approaching awake dreams from Jung), I invite you to read my mini ebook on the subject. It should answer all the questions you ask. You can download it for free by clicking on the image above (and you will see that it is almost as easy as any meditation, and without stress, it is promised!)
In parallel with these introductory days, you can therefore take the time to make some journeys to discover it by using the ebook. If you can’t make your first journey, no problem! It’s completely normal! Persist!
Easy and stability come with experience.
How to visualise the videos ?
Videos can only be seen if you have the password. Fortunately, all passwords are given to you on each page, just under the video.
You only have to copy the password and paste it into the integrated window. I will ask you to keep these passwords for you, mainly because this class is paying.
Let’s immediately put it all in practice with the welcome video below. If you manage to visualize it, that’s all good!
Video direct link : welcome
Password : atsoulservice
Can’t read the video above?
The most common problems:
- If you encounter any problem, you can open the video in another window (click on the title under the video, in this case it is called Welcome).
- If you still can’t watch the video, you can save the address of the page and try to open it with another Internet explorer: Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, …
- And of course, in case the problem persists, contact me by email:!
And what about audios ?
I suggest you to hear the audios directly on my pages ! Just click on the Play button (wait a bit for the band to go to the blue) and adjust the volume to your liking.
For meditations, I advise you to use a headset. The sound is of much better quality, guaranteed of a more stable trip.
A word about respect
Many efforts were necessary for the creation of these online workshops, which is why I will ask you to respect all the content of these videos, audios and texts.
It is strictly forbidden to resell them (whether in their integrity or only extracts.) And as it works in both directions, I will also not allow myself to use your words, your creations, or others without your authorization .
This trip is unique and depends on our luggage, our environment, our past and many other factors. It can be intense and cause drastic changes in our lives. The author (me, Fanny Wild) emerges from all responsibilities when the consequences, whether or not they are explicit, as well as for any strong damage, losses and discoveries.
And we’re done, yes !
We went around the technical part.
For any subsidiary questions, it’s always the same address:
So are you ready? Let’s go! Let’s enter the intense world of the 7 wounds !
Have a safe journey, at the healing shores !
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