7 soul wounds
7 hidden gems
Welcome to the soul wounds workshops !
You are here, in the PREFACE page of the soul wounds.
A must read before you start!
This introduction is common to all workshops, regardless of the soul wound being worked on.
It contains important general informations that will allow you to better understand what I will share with you, then, on the theme you have chosen.
Take the time to stop at the technical part, where I explain everything there is to know about how the videos and audios of this workshop work (+ a welcome video that will tell you about 2 important concepts).
You will also find in part 1, the material that I use most frequently to create intuitive paintings or collages.
Healing techniques, revelations about the Great Mysteries… I wanted to offer you an exciting and soothing introduction to allow you to approach your soul wounds with confidence!
Day 1 : Welcome (+ technical part of the workshop)
Day 2 : Soul round and creative tools
Day 3 : Ego and chakras
Day 4 : Some healing paths (1/2)
Day 5 : The sacred descent
Day 6 : Some healing paths (2/2)
Day 7 : The Roses
Day 8 : The Labyrinth
Day 9 : About the twin flames mystery
Day 10 : A feminine prayer