Bookeh my dear!

Today I’d like to say that EVERYONE loves bokeh …

The bokeh? But yeah, you know, this technique allows a blurred background and the lights take strange forms? Nan? Always not? So here’s an example:

City bokeh

It’s so simple that even I’ll manage to explain!

Phase 1: find a good subject.

That’s the biggest challenge… lights! So there we will have to think about town, garlands, Christmas (and Christmas tree of course) …

Phase 2: Installation

So who says night lights SAYS therefore tripod. No tripod? We’ll have to use a wall or the ground…!

Fit so to have the background lights and a nice first shot: portrait, panel …

Phase 3: settings

Now he’ll have to open your diaphragm as much as possible. If you have the chance to have an ultra bright lens (like 1.4 or 1.8) does not hesitate to screw it on your apn! !

Mode aperture priority, your Apn will counterbalance one and find the appropriate speed… The rule of gray, I advise you to decline by 1 or 2 stops where your night is too light.

Now the focus is on your foreground and triggers!

Phase 4: post-production

Treatment light, you simply boosts the colors to have nice variations …


TADA: Christmas personal inspiration, plus a small nod to a previous article on  Julien Grenet