I share with you the realization of my last 3 large canvases. I wanted to base you uncover in one post, but I had the impression of not quite celebrate each. So to each his post today, tomorrow and Saturday!
To begin with, the one I finally like the least …
Deer Fanny Wild |
I had to take it back several times! It has totally changed head in 2 years … first transfer of an elephant family, then a rose six months later, ending with complete coverage. This old canvas hanging in my studio for too long. I did not want to work on its small size (it is located between the large canvases and A4 I like to achieve as Art Journal) and then it was all gray …
But hey, I was in need of raw material (fabric) and it was time to recycle what I had on hand. So I spring old (those of my early days I did not like but that allowed me to progress …) including this one. And I launched myself!
It was difficult to operate! I tried something a little crazy marker … and I had to take the ENCORE! Here it is finally over 🙂
And write all this, it does not really seem to have ended.
I feel I was so fed her, I took it out when it started to look like something! As I was about to add this photo on this post (just on a chair next to this painting), I had a sudden urge to cover this peachy! In short, I do not know yet if it will benefit from some changes or not, we’ll see. Meanwhile, it has found its place in the living room.
And speaking of space, I do not know what category the store … there is the collection of totems that bring together the messengers animals, yet I have not done in a long time! I’m right on theme wild woman! So I said it would be normal to do a little background (as if to reassure, doing things that we know to be able to move forward …) And synchronicity! I came across a passage from Clara Pinkola Estes book that just speaks of the symbolism of the deer (yes, synchronicity j’vous said!)
In short, the deer, yet male animal would be a symbol of femininity in the old beliefs. It symbolizes more specifically the forest and fertility, survival (these are rare animals to survive in very harsh winters without hibernate) and they were celebrating in the circles of women to access its powers as see further action with grace … and especially to release the wild femininity in them. Funny no?
I feel I fall on my legs: deer, symbol of the wild woman will therefore take place in the current collection 🙂