Following activations in the heart of the forest (see first part here), we found ourselves in front of a remarkable oak of over 200 years!
I really wanted to meet it on the subtle level.
This time, it will not be a question of activations properly, but rather of a harmonization of the place (and myself!)
The brut’s rods are out again and they guide me several tens of meters from the tree.
Apparently, to get closer, sometimes you have to start by moving away!
They even orient me back to it, in front of a large explanatory stone of the tree.
Later I would understand: Being “Back to” is not to see, not to be aware. And what I do not aware, which is behind me is the great powerful oak.
On the stone is a photo of it with the sun behind. The effect is sublime! It looks like it is shining.
The message is to learn to see our greatness of being … and it touches me.
The sore wands remain closed and do not show me the rest. We will have to integrate this and not just understand it in the head.
So : time for a little magic.
Oh! Nothing very incredible: just close my eyes, put my consciousness in the body and touch the stone for a few seconds.
An image takes place in my mind … of my feet push roots that plunge to meet those of the tree.
So that it wants to meet me and feel me!
Yes ! Feel me.
As with all the minds of nature, I have the impression that he reads everything from me. Updating my soul.
When I test, this time, they open the way.
For the rest, I will activate 3 pairs of vortex.
They are in front of the tree, right and left.
As much vortex in one direction as in the other! It brings me back to the discernment card that I had pulled a few kilometers before …
This wisdom linked to the Mother of Mars, that which weighs the truth, makes us understand that nothing is ever all white or all black.
Here, we could speak of a positive (cosmic) and negative (telluric) vortex. But it is the harmony of the two, the integration of the two, which is requested.
I see the role of the human: integrating the negative as the positive, to find this neutral position.
After all, what makes our identity is our strengths but also our weaknesses.
The marriage of our opposites.
Our beauty also residing in our black dots!
Now, the wired wands make me go around the big tree three times, a harmonization of the energetic bodies of the tree (it is very well known in the area and very visited. Unfortunately, humans present themselves in the sites of this kind with all their energy fingerprints which will contaminate the subtle bodies of the present spirits …)
Then they place me in front of it, against one of these vertical wounds which seem to reveal its heart.
A flaw.
But is it really one?
I see myself putting my forehead. I test with the wands and that’s what I am asked now.
This gesture looks like a reverence … and I really want to be revealed towards this great spirit!
It is then that he addresses me directly to me and greets me.
I explain to it that I came to want only one thing, basically: free myself from my interior cages.
Through all the desires that can animate us, isn’t this, this desire, which is hidden every time?
The great desire behind all desires?
It smiles at me and I feel again embraced. Its presence is large and I savor.
It is then that I feel a force enter through my 6th chakra …
… free myself from my cage …
The space of the 3rd eye is rarely balanced today, with a chakra overstimulated by the front because of all these images, videos and information from all around the world.
So harmonized, I could analyze each situation in a more neutral and more posed way …
… While waiting to integrate all my filters and my beliefs, I will now be aware of each of them.
What an incredible gift!
A hornet has been going around for all this time.
It seems that I bother access to its nest …
It is when it finally enters, that I feel that I can take off my head from the rough bark.
I hear the word “support” when I move away from a few steps, to better see it in all its greatness.
Yes, our mind is supposed to be a support !
Large energy breaths are manifested. And I naturally stand on them.
I feel … neutral.
I thank for this beautiful moment, made an offering and said goodbye to the big tree.
And comes a sentence “Illumination, is it not neutrality?”