I recently told you about our future expropriation for highway. It is an endless debate here … how to leave areas so beautiful to cement thank you? And the days passed and yesterday the second hammer blow: farmers in the plain of Alsace put fertilizer (chemical) in pastures (meadows what!) Definitely!
Am I the only one to be shocked?
Apply fertilizer in meadows … really, I do not understand this relationship with nature … (well I understand on paper, fertilizer = more herbs = more food for cows .) I, who thought it was reserved to fields and vineyards !!!
The nice little side is that it is the pre beside us … and it’s so dangerous that stopped with us to prevent us to avoid approaching (and us our animals) for at least 2 weeks …
The 2nd Kisscool fact is that I did graze for days my ponies on the lawn (without knowing Grrrrrrrr) and we played with the kids in the creek along the meadow (SUPER GRRRRRR.)
My nerves! Because that apparently, in Alsace plain when you find a home away from the fields, it is not as preserve it neither looks! Enough to make me want to live away from it all …
Then when the morale falls even lower, it’s time to do stuff we love!
So, of course, there are things that always work: spending time with family, playing on the trampoline with the kids, walk …
But when it really not going well, there
– Completely idiotic stuff –
Among my list of stupid things that lift your spirits, I quote:
read Jane Austen or if it is the abyss, watching a movie Pride and Prejudice;
if it does not work, leadership Dirty Dancing (haha, no one will have nothing to complain films midinettes if it’s not going strong!)
a bath with foam (and closing the door locked!)
Then there are the famous pictures of celebrities without makeup … yeah, I admit decency level is more than average … by against IT WORKS. I will repent after 🙂
the homemade guacamole (and has priority over the children!)
listen to Metal (lol)
watch funny GIF lists: laughter to spit out his guarantee tea (yes, it’s lived)
create crazy quotes with happy.me site! I have fun like crazy over there 🙂
- play games on social networks to win painting lessons … … and win!
Yes, it’s true, it does not work every time. This month, however, I got lucky (a nice return for all the bad environmental news?)YESSSS 🙂
Zoom, short videos that give thousands of ideas with Flora Bowley (my favorite painter-guru.) Without Titleand zou, moral found!
What is your silly thing to you, that cheers you up every time?