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Beauty is in you – 30 days challenge – D#5

To surround yourself of beauty can make a difference in our lives. That’s what I told myself putting on the wall paintings made by my children.

I ask myself many questions right now (oh yes, you know this if you’ve read my previous articles) and especially on my artistic activity, or rather on the turn that I wish to take with my activity. I want to sell my paintings in order to continue painting. So I asked myself the questions : Why buy art? Is it useful for my development as a human being?

With this softness and the heat coming off of our room, it seems to have understood me currently, it is an almost urgent need to surround themselves with beautiful things whether it be a trinket, a picture, a photo, a tablecloth with beautiful patterns. Because our environment directly affects our interior, surrounding himself with beautiful helps reveal what is beautiful in us.

“It’s the quality of your eyes that makes you beautiful, not what you look at. If you find a beautiful flower, that beauty is in you.” A. Riou

To buy art, is according to ourself that the emotional part of ourselves needs to feel good, to reveal the beauty of our being. Sale is therefore contribute to reveal the beauty in every human being. To feed the flame in all of us. Gradually emerges a much nicer version more acceptable for me to create a store. Help, a little, in this world to spread the beautiful. I smiled at my screen!

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