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The 888 portal is always an opportunity to integrate certain energies of introspection and radiation from the true self!

And yes, nothing very surprising: these are energies belonging to the lion.

This year is the resulting integration of polarities, as was already discussed in the last posts dedicated to energy activations in the forest and in front of a remarkable tree.

Yes, these energies were already in the air a week ago and will accumulate in intensity until August 8.

Besides, as I showed you in my Instagram story, the tarots and oracles wanting to participate were 8 (already !!!!) and above all: there were as many dark as bright decks!

Total balance.

Thus, this is the perfect time for an awareness of the dance of enlightenment when we allow ourselves to feel and give a balanced place to the feminine.

I explain all this to you, in the video of the interpretation of the large portal 888 reading :



To go further: you will notice that the teaching of the masculine becoming support (creating a security space for the feminine) is found in the lunar cycle of July (the one who loves all things).

Respect by the masculine creates intimacy for the feminine to feel and immerse herselves inside.

From there, the couple will radiate codes and sounds of the source in the world.

Both will be at the service of the collective.

Service which is at the heart of the teaching of the August cycle and the energies of the Virgin.



And I can’t resist to share with you the link to the lyrics video of Evermore (Taylor Swift) :


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