Thank you for…

For small synchronicities that week. It’s always exciting to recognize them…

A Wiki-clue for those whose notion is foreign: In analytical psychology developed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence of at least two events that do not show causation, but the association makes sense for the person who perceives them. This notion is articulated with other notions of Jungian psychology, like those of archetype and collective unconscious.

Typical example: today all packages have arrived to build our 2nd fence. All but one. It annoys me a bit… the fence will not be finished for tonight (and horses have to wait again.) This morning we set up everything else. The same afternoon, a farmer comes to give us a hand to clear the second meadow (because of the storm last month which caused a lot of breakage of huge branches.) It could never happen with the machine if the fence had been completed. 2 events, a priori unrelated (the unexpected passage of the farmer and the delay of a package) but unite to improve the situation (a beautiful meadow, very welcoming.)