MOT – J00 – Opening








 Welcome in this very first cycle : the moon of january ! ! ! ! 




Opening the space.


To begin, if you’re ok, I suggest that you consciously open this sacred workspace with a short breathing ritual.

I’ll guide you in the following audio:








The One for Whom All Are Close is the Mother of Nature: she welcomes all forms of life within her Clan. She sees the beauty in each and honors the talents they possess.

Jamie Sams.


An altar

If you possess a little place in your home that you consider as an altar, it’s time to clean it and make space for this cycle.

If not, this may be the time to test if you like having one. A small corner of a shelf can do the work !

I strongly suggest to make this stage of cleaning, in full consciousness. Take the time to wash or to throw away.

Just like our breath opened and cleaned inside to start this new chapter of teachings in our lives.

We will add symbols, minerals, and our creations of course… with the next parts.

The color associated with this first Clan Mother is the orange. So this is a good starting point ! You can add some orange fabrics (behind or under as a napkin) and orange candles to dedicate this space to the first teaching.




Taking notes

If it’s not already done, I highly suggest you to dedicate a notebook for this work.

It’s very precious to note everything you’ll learn from the videos, but also your experiences during meditations, your dreams, the answers of the questions… and the interpretations of your artworks.

Write down as soon as you can. Sometimes, letting 5min pass signifies also loosing some very important details.

You will also find it very useful for closing the workshop and resume everything.





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