
The queens represent the heart of the kingdom. They are the ones that work with the heart for a better world.

Holders of light, they are the guardians of good, nobility and truth.

Fabulous initiated working on important magic tasks, they are the ones who know.

Persephone can only become queen after being initiated in the kingdoms of the unconscious/death.

Moreover, the coronation is also the symbol of their supreme and alchemical achievement of lead, which has become gold, of the human who has become grace.

Guenièvre, the great mythological queen, calls to remember who we are.

Come to me, these words … (traduction just below)



The found queen

She became grace
Oh! Supreme coronation
Queen of roses
In her human flesh

Yesterday again
Wisteria rained on her body
And petal in her tea
She didn’t even know anymore
Where her crown resided

The queen without memory
Only shines in the dark

Back free well
Eyes off your sins
– and the biggest that was
To have never recognized her

She traced with tears
Her way of convolutions
She walked dramas
And makes her name shine

Cassandre today rebirth
Get up !
Here you are new

And queen of Sheba

The queen without memory, yes, can only shine in the dark, only in the unconscious.

As long as we don’t wake her up.

It is only after a long journey in the healing labyrinth that we can redo all the magnificence of this archetype of nobility.

“She no longer even knew her resident crown”, our sometimes very traumatic experiences, at best a little hurtful, always make us lose our crowns … That’s human life. The flesh embodied on this flowery planet.

The abandonment hungs us with links and attachment, evidence of love and recognition.

We are unconditional love and we close our eyes to the lack of respect for others.

On their negligence to see that we are also full -fledged beings and not Cassandre.

Endowed with emotions, desires … souls, we cry but we move forward.

Leaving the dramas behind us. Because one day, we are tired of this small role -playing games.

It is the beginning of our rebirth.

Supreme coronation to be the Self.



And what is interesting here is to see planetary chance at a time when Pluto downside and that it enters Aquarius (we are May 6, 2024).

Pluto = transformation (for me he represents Lord Hades, Persephone’s husband, the good king of the shadows)

Aquarius = renewal and collective.

This celestial energy tells us that it is time to take responsibility for each act, speech and thought that we have individually, and to see the impact on the collective (*Thank to @nahemerosa for this reflection!)

This configuration questions us thus: “Can the way we manage our experiences be an evolution of the collective, if everyone does the same thing?”

If all the inhabitants of the planet began to do like us, would we evolve or regress?

Becoming a model for others is the whole life of a queen.

And for me, there is no doubt that if we all embodied the nobility of being, we could change the whole planet very quickly.

I am sure that we are at the moment, in an energy pushing the queen in us, to flourish.

-> Queen’s milk: oat milk + 1ccs of rose hydrosol and 1/2cc of a preparation of 1 gig of bourbon geranium in 1cc of honey (please take all the precautions of Use before using an essential oil: allergy test and possibility of internal use.


Another sensory experience to contact queens’ energy: MAGICAL !