wild – 30 days challenge – D#2

Sometimes, for a change of energy, nothing better than music… The song that I listen to loop right now (and that makes me so well) is this one :


Is it because the name has Wild that I feel so carried away by this piece? Wildlight or wild light, the one we can tame that you can not bend, we can not fake. This light, I believe exists in all of us, weak or strong, it is present. How to strengthen, nurture it radiates in this world? Is it not precisely to let our light shine that we exist, that we are incarnated? What do we bring to the world?

Sauvage (wild in french)… is the nickname given to me by my father since … … forever! For me it is of great significance, after all, it was my father who belongs to the forest, in the world of trees in which he knows every member, each mushroom, each animal. For my family, he is an adventurer who can not exist alongside the wild in mind. If this man find that the spirit of the wild is in me, it is because of this legacy that I can not deny my childhood… go talk to trees and plants is probably in this direction.

I think I’ll plunge my nose in the book Women Running With Wolves (I still have not finished!) tonight. Meanwhile, here’s a snapshot of my childhood that embodies my wild nature (because I wore the hat of forest officials at the time!)

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